Blackstone Croisign

Blackstone, the name of the

Since our establishment in 1992, we have been designing web and print work, and all other related work, with the following in mind: “user-oriented,” “conveying the message first,” and “not falling into the trap of being perceived as an inside joke.

When we build a job from planning to total construction, we often write the design as well as the copy. When working as part of a team, we design with a firm grasp of the overall picture.



Especially on the Website Building, it is important to be easy to use not only for users but also for those in charge of updating the site. The frequency of updates and their quality directly affect the number of accesses, and also have a positive impact on SEO. Even if it looks great, it is meaningless if it is not used. It is a difficult task, but we are working on it while gathering and studying information every day.





Although the ratio of my work has somehow reversed to that of web design, I feel that the base of my work has been shaped by these jobs.

In the beginning, I used to draw designs with poster colors and airbrushes on Kent paper stretched over water on wooden panels. I also did a lot of complicated block prints, making full use of raguchi and rotring.
The total work method was drilled into me by my boss at that time. At that time, I did everything up to film management after printing.

Even though I started using Macs and the machines and applications have evolved dramatically, I have not forgotten the feeling I had back then.
